• <p>Our markets</p>
  • <p>Our markets</p>
  • <p>Our markets</p>

Our markets

DUAP stands for high-quality solutions for large engines. Market, benefits and requirements are our challenge. To make it work, we want to understand your needs in detail. This enables us to develop high-quality injection components and systems for you.

Alternative fuels

Alternative fuels such as methanol, ammonia and hydrogen are the future of large engines.


Injection systems of the highest efficiency and durability are required for the railway.


Reliability is of the utmost importance for injection systems for ocean-going shipping

Stationary systems

Efficiency and durability are the decisive factors for stationary systems

Specialised vehicles

Flexibility is the key to use in specialised vehicles.

Produkt duap einspritzsysteme schweiz 20


Innovation in injection systems is our fascination.